Among stop-smoking procedures there are countless methods, programs, substitute products, pills, chewing gums, self-help tapes and books, etc. Many are designed to help build up the personal power to resist or overcome the habit.
Hypnotherapy does not work at achieving the strength to resist. It is designed to eliminate the desire. Instead of giving up something that a person enjoys (a sacrifice), the individual’s goal is to be rid of something that isn’t wanted – a much more agreeable position psychologically. So, even though you may consciously want to quit, your subconscious mind will still try to run the “smoke the cigarette program” by sending you cravings after meals, and other times that you normally would smoke. Hypnosis is the only Program that gets into the subconscious mind and ‘Change The Program’ to a healthier new program that we decide on together at your first session.
There are two principle reasons for smoking: identification and replacement. Identification is the situation in which the smoker indulges in the habit because others whom he admires do so – parents, peers, entertainment or sports figures, etc. Identification smoking Is the most common and the easiest to eliminate.
Replacement smoking occurs when smoking is used to replace some deficit in life – lack of companionship, love, acceptance, self-esteem, security, independence, etc. – or to replace some pre-existing habit such as overeating, reaction to anxiety or boredom, etc.
Since smoking is both physical and mental, success in a stop-smoking effort must change not only the mental attitude, but the physical reaction.
With our 4-session program most people don’t smoke after the first session, however in order to make it permanent the session needs to be reenforced multiple times. We also address other potential issues such as stress, possible weight gain, cravings & withdrawal symptoms, & possible replacement with another negative behaviour
One of the most powerful attributes of the human psyche is visualization ability. Hypnotherapy can help develop and focus the powers of visualization.
In stop-smoking programs, the ability to visualize one’s self as a non-smoker, free from past effects of the habit, filled with new health, energy and vitality is a major asset. Through visualization, a smoker can perceive himself/herself as looking healthier, more active, in better physical condition, etc.
Did you know… if a person smoked a pack a day for 30 years and then stopped, they can expect to add an additional 8-10 years to their life expectancy. But even more importantly, the quality of their senior years will be greatly enhanced. Yes you can do this!!