Does hypnotism work on pain?

When you experience chronic pain of any kind, you’ll be more than happy to try any form of pain relief and symptom management. Given the close relationship between mental and physical health is so close, hypnosis instantly stands out as one of the alternative methods you could try.

After all, hypnotherapy is widely used to treat issues like anxiety and promote inner peace of mind. So, does hypnotism work on pain of a physical nature too? Here’s all you need to know.

Hypnotherapy & Pain Relief: The Statistics

Most people will have heard anecdotal suggestions regarding the power of hypnotism for pain relief. Before booking an appointment with your hypnotherapist, though, it’s important to look at the statistical data too. It can verify whether this is the path for you to take while also giving you a deeper understanding of what to expect from hypnosis for chronic pain. 

Some of the key findings linked to hypnotism and pain relief include, but are not limited to;

  • Studies have found that more than three-quarters of long-term arthritis sufferers reported a noticeable level of pain relief following hypnotherapy sessions.
  • In addition to the short-term pain relief, three in 10 patients who use hypnosis treatments for chronic pain report permanent improvement.
  • Research found that after three months of hypnosis intervention, patients with lower back pain saw a 31% reduction in pain.

Furthermore, it should be noted that hypnosis is found to have an average success rate of 93% after six sessions while most people are capable of responding to hypnosis if they are prepared to enter the process with the right mindset. The evidence is fairly conclusive that hypnosis can indeed be used to directly and effectively manage physical pains.

The great thing about hypnotherapy is that it is solely about changing your thoughts, feelings, and concentration levels to develop a stronger mental state. Unlike some alternative treatments, patients can enter hypnotherapy with the knowledge that no negative impacts will occur.

What Pains Can Be Reduced By Hypnosis?

When thinking about the use of hypnosis for pain relief, it is most common to consider chronic conditions. This is because it is most effective when embraced across multiple sessions. Nonetheless, it can be utilized to treat acute pains too. 

Experts at Mayo Clinic list an array of ailments and issues that could potentially be alleviated through the use of hypnosis. They include; burn, childbirth, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, temporomandibular joint problems, dental procedures and headaches. Moreover, it can reduce the presence of hot flashes caused by menopause and relieve the pains attributed as side effects of cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

However, it should be noted that stress and pain are intimately related. In many cases, mental stress can actively cause physical symptoms to surface as a result of tightened blood vessels (which causes high blood pressure), the increased release of sugar into the blood (causing high blood sugar levels), increased heart rate, and muscle tensing. 

All of the above issues can trigger a range of physical pains ranging from muscle cramps to headaches. Worse still, physical pains and discomfort can leave you feeling more stressed – especially when they prevent you from completing daily tasks – which creates a vicious cycle. Hypnosis for stress management is one of the most common solutions, which instantly highlights its potential power in relation to pain relief. Better still, breaking up the day with a few minutes of peace can have a telling impact on your mental – and, therefore, physical – wellness.

Many of the studies into hypnosis as an alternative treatment for pain relief have shown that it works best in conjunction with traditional procedures rather than as a replacement for them. When feeling chronic pains caused by arthritis or inflammation, hypnotherapy can be a very useful addition to your management plan. While the level of pain relief may vary from person to person, there’s every reason to think that hypnosis will have a positive influence.

The Final Word On Hypnotherapy & Pain Relief

Hypnotherapy has helped thousands of patients reduce their symptoms of chronic pains. Whether it’s arthritis, chronic back pains caused by a road accident and trauma, or any other form of chronic pain doesn’t matter. The key to success lies in finding a tailored and dedicated pain management hypnosis strategy that focuses on the close relationship between physical and mental wellness. Chronic pains are rarely constant, which is why a change of physiological state can work wonders.

To find out more about hypnosis for pain relief, feel free to get in touch with our team of friendly experts today.

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We've only scratched the surface of what we can help people achieve. Hypnosis is a powerful tool that empowers you to reach your goals. Whatever your aspirations, we can help you unlock your full potential and make lasting, positive changes. 

Hypnosis is a proven method for overcoming self-limiting beliefs & behaviors and amplifying your strengths, helping you grow and thrive.
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